Huntree Nursery Newsletter Late July 2024

August 26, 2024 6:58 pm Published by

Hi there everyone!

We are excited to have Janice speak to us about her passion, Monarchs and pollinators.   Please come and join us this Saturday at 10:00 in Jan’s backyard.  You can park on the south side of the store under the trees.

Learn about    POCKET   PRAIRIES

Saturday, July 27 10:00 – 11:00


2346  Blue Star Highway, Fennville, MI  269-543-3761

Presented by Janice Wicks,    the Monarch Lady

You too can create a small environment for Pollinators and Butterflies

  • Learn what nectar and pollen producing plants provide excellent nourishment
  • What to plant for spring, summer and fall
  • Get an update on the status of the Monarchs

No Charge –  just show up!


Here are a few thoughts to answer questions that customers are asking.

Is it ok to plant this time of year?   Yes, you certainly can…. as long as you can water twice a week.   If you are going on vacation, wait until you come back.

There are a lot of samples coming in of wilting and yellowing leaves.  It’s not a fungus or insect problem.  So no need to spray.   It’s just drought stress.  Get out the hose and deep water.   (Birch especially will get yellow leaves and drop, because they love lots of water and complain when they don’t get it.)

Keep an eye on your tomatoes and roses.  It you see brown blotches, get out the fungicide such as Copper Fungicide or Neem Oil or Serenade and spray once a week.  Best to water without getting the foliage wet.  Fungus spreads by splashing water.

Deadhead your perennials and roses so the energy goes into setting new flower buds.  Cut the flowers all the way back to the base of the stem.   Trim roses back to a set of five leaves… or farther to shape up the plant (especially on shrub roses.)

If you are going to fertilize this summer, do it soon.  It’s best to get it done by August 1st.  This gives your plants time to harden off and get ready to go dormant in the fall.   The exception is annuals and vegetables. Keep fertilizing those to keep them vigorous, full of flowers, and producing that yummy homegrown produce.

It’s Blueberry season!  Yum!!!  You can grow your own.  They are easy to grow…  and we have them in 3 gallon pots.  Our plants even have berries on them

Please, please, please….. don’t trim any Oak Trees in the summer.  Don’t spread Oak Wilt by pruning when there are leaves on them.    If you have damage and need to remove a limb, seal the cut with pruning paint.

Here’s to fun in the garden. Come on in and see what’s going on at Huntree.

Jan and the Huntree Gang


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This post was written by MHarrison9

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